What with the sheer size and time spent in Brazil I had guessed that Venezuela and Columbia may have ended up being a little “wafer thin mint sir?” This was not helped of course by the two week delay before I’d even got going and the many days of further messing about that came with riding with others. Having finally decided on a finish in Columbia (due to a lack of time) I have managed to find a cheery Dutch guy who is willing and keen to send Des to Holland for me from Columbia for a reasonable price and pretty quickly(!?) Hmmm...
A deadline was needed or I’d still be somewhere around Rio with BJ and Dave and so as a result I've been back in the realm of more Rio to Belem style smelly/hungry/tired flat out riding in order to not miss the boat so to speak. 1200km (including a border) in two days have meant that my view of western Venezuela and northern Columbia have been a bit of a blur but there you go. Still from the blur I have concluded that (well the northern 467km that I rode) is mostly very beautiful indeed. I was able to do the first day of 800km after being out of bed like a shot at 5am. Literally, as three unmistakeable gunshot rounds were fired off somewhere outside mine and Lenny’s hostel in Caracas followed by screeching tyres!!
What have I learned from the last couple of months then? Indecision is the key to flexibility...unless its other peoples and you end up paying the price later...
Still, I’ve made it to Cartagena my finishing point and I’ve a few days to clean up, drink beer, one more blog entry and relax a bit. Now then, where’s BJ...?
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