Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Back with you know who at Iguazú...

The Iguazú falls. I’ve put the link here as as ever my photos won’t do them justice. Neither will my knowledge of them so good old Wikipedia should provide far more than I can. What it won’t mention on the site is that on the day that I was there a familiar face appeared from the crowd...BJ! It now transpires that he just “had a bit of a moment,” not really sure what to do about a multitude of options and problems and he thought it best to let me proceed on my chosen path. And so after a bit of soul searching he too headed up north albeit on a slightly different route. Truth be told I have really enjoyed my few days solo and when he asked if we could ride together again I was actually a little disappointed but all things considered he is my friend and I feel that the trade off between soloness and friendship is just about worth it. Also I have proved to myself that I can ride solo and be happy with it and I don’t feel that I have anything to prove. As for the whole “life changing” thing...maybe I was just feeling a bit something. It’s true that perhaps I am a bit lazy around people at times but then again I do have many great close friends so things can’t be that bad. Well, if you can call Australia and Chile close!? And besides...these trips are dynamic, everything and anything can and does change at any given time so who knows what will happen further up the road?
So after photos, a hug and a chat we said goodbye to Argentina and rode through the border into Brazil and hunted for a place to stay on the Brazilian side of the falls, Iguaçu to now use the correct name for where we are. We decided over beers and football in one of the many busy bars showing the big matches that we were all falled out and so in the morning ‘prompt’ (!?) we’d head off to the south east...

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Ian, okay? We met in front of Banco Bradesco in Florianópolis / SC 6/5/2011, a big hug and congratulations blog. Please also visit my: www.diariosdexre300.blogspot.com cometary and let your ok?

    João Marcos Maceno
    Três Lagoas - Mato Grosso do Sul/MS - Brasil
