Monday, June 29, 2009

'Dracular's Castle' Ooh, scary.

Continued my journey through the u-bend of Romania and ended up in Bran where there's a castle that has something to do with Dracular. Great. Did some laundry instead, sat back and watched the tour leader Jack throw out 'dental floss Dave's' (from the US) quite simply ridiculace equipment list, including a MASSIVE calculator, US army issue toilet paper, spare everything and a military green duffle bag stamped 'US Army.' Just what you need when you're heading into Iran! Or maybe not, more later...
Had a meal out, laughed my $£^% off at Tim's Tours stuggling to make any impression on their blind order of 'Polenta' with extra cheese on top and later , I sent an email to my my friend Sarah about Iran...
It now appears that due to 'troubles' within the country and the FCO advice against all British travel to the country, Kudu will now be re-routing the trip through Georga and Azerbaijan. Sarah though, (being Iranian) kindly enquired at home for me and confirmed that the 'troubles' were only local within Tehran and it was business as usual. I then had the night to mull over the possibility of visiting my most looked forward to country all on my own. Perfect...

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