Sunday, August 9, 2009

Charyn Canyon, Kazakhstan

Myself, a smiling Grant and BJ made the 150km day trip to the Charyn canyon. On arrival, took some pics of the impressive place and very slowly got all three bikes down the incredibely difficult track down into the canyon floor. The one that Euan and Charley couldn't get out from during 'Long Way Round.' As the last of our bikes was coming out (mine) later, a group of Russian bikers arrived to check out us and the steep, track. Er at this point I should admit that getting our bikes down and back up took absolutely ages with much pushing,pulling and some Russian muscle! Despite my warnings on how difficult it was one of the Russians and a local guy named Askar rode straight down, turned around and rode straight back up! Oh dear, cue much laughter! Spent quite a while there before heading back to Almaty chatting and sharing bike travelling stories with these seven real great guys. Good times.

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